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- <text id=92TT0820>
- <title>
- Apr. 13, 1992: Interview:Lowell Weicker
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1992
- Apr. 13, 1992 Campus of the Future
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- INTERVIEW, Page 16
- The Gutsiest Governor In America
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p>Elected as an Independent just when the recession was destroying
- his state's economy, Connecticut's Lowell Weicker took the tough
- road of budget cuts and taxes
- </p>
- <p>By David Ellis/Hartford and Lowell Weicker
- </p>
- <p> Q. In 1991, your first year in office, you established
- Connecticut's first income tax, clashed with legislators by
- vetoing four attempts to overturn the levy, and in the process
- discovered that many residents hate you. Any regrets?
- </p>
- <p> A. You have regrets when you have failed policies. My
- policy when I came in was no income tax, but that fell apart on
- the rocks of fiscal fact. Obviously I would have liked to have
- ended up the most popular guy in the state of Connecticut. For
- fiscal year 1993, I have proposed $1.1 billion in cuts from
- current services. But I think we took a very large step to
- becoming the most financially credible state in the union by
- reversing a decade of spend-it-but-don't-pay-for-it policies as
- espoused by Presidents of the U.S.
- </p>
- <p> Q. Well, a lot of people were offended by your swift
- turnaround on the tax issue. You opposed it when you ran for
- Governor.
- </p>
- <p> A. In the campaign I made one statement over and over: You
- promise me no new problems, I'll promise you no new taxes.
- During the campaign the estimates on the deficit ranged between
- $50 million and $100 million. When we closed our books in June
- 1991, the state had a $1 billion deficit. I would suggest to you
- that is a new problem.
- </p>
- <p> Q. Were you surprised by all the anger about the new taxes?
- </p>
- <p> A. No.
- </p>
- <p> Q. But 40,000 people turned out at an anti tax rally. When
- you ventured into the crowd, you were spat on and the state
- police had to hustle you away.
- </p>
- <p> A. I was surprised only at the fact that given the facts,
- people just walk away from them. People said, "Well, I don't
- care what we owe." Some others went way beyond the bounds of
- polite discourse, but nobody's knuckling under to them.
- </p>
- <p> Q. But both of Connecticut's U.S. Senators said they
- opposed the tax, even though it was a local issue.
- </p>
- <p> A. They were covering their political buns.
- </p>
- <p> Q. In the end, isn't the electorate responsible for the
- sorry financial situation on both federal and state levels?
- </p>
- <p> A. Of course they are. But they've been subjected to 12
- years of the highest authority in the land saying you can spend
- it and you don't have to pay for it. We can have wars, and we
- don't have to tax for it. But now we have to take a look at the
- domestic devastation in the U.S. We have no financial
- credibility at all, and we're going around the world begging for
- other nations to accommodate us. Why should they? This nation
- has turned its back on children, the disabled, the poor; it's
- a horrible record out there. I've long said that if you want to
- cut through all the bullshit of politicians, take a look at a
- budget. It tells you exactly what your priorities are. We spent
- a lot on the military. Now it shouldn't come as any mystery as
- to why we have difficulties given the budgets of the past 12
- years.
- </p>
- <p> Q. During the darkest days of the tax battle, did you have
- the urge to tell the state residents, "Oh, grow up"?
- </p>
- <p> A. Well, I've made a couple of pointed remarks about that.
- But the facts are bad enough; I don't really need to heap on
- much rhetoric. But people really ought to start voting in this
- society and stop grumbling, see the facts as they are.
- </p>
- <p> Q. What should the Federal Government do to help states
- like yours?
- </p>
- <p> A. Assist with those elements of society that are in need
- of help way beyond anything the states can deliver. The Federal
- Government has an important role to play in programs for the
- disabled, special education, enrichment programs like Head
- Start. Ronald Reagan and [former Education Secretary William]
- Bennett used to really piss me off when they said they wanted
- to "get the Federal Government out of education," as if the
- Federal Government were in education. Ninety percent of the
- dollars for education are state and local. But that final 10%
- is crucial, because some programs have no political
- constituency.
- </p>
- <p> Q. What other programs should be funded?
- </p>
- <p> A. The same holds true of health care. When a mother gets
- prenatal care from the community health-care center and has a
- normal-birth-weight baby, it costs about $4,000, compared with
- a low-birth-weight baby costing $100,000. The Federal Government
- created community health-care centers but backed off them.
- </p>
- <p> Q. Is the state truly unable to cope with other problems?
- </p>
- <p> A. There are cities in the U.S.--including a couple in
- Connecticut--that have infant-mortality rates that exceed
- those of Third World countries. Our state has as good a record
- of compassion as any as to how it regards the frail elements of
- society. And yet the Connecticut department of children and
- youth services--that's our children--is under a court order
- to improve the quality of care for foster children. The
- department of correction is also under court order on prison
- overcrowding...I can go down the list. We used to exceed what
- the Federal Government and the Constitution demand. No longer.
- Why? Because you didn't want to spend any money on it.
- </p>
- <p> Q. A lot of people think states should severely cut
- welfare payments.
- </p>
- <p> A. Let me start off with a very simple fact, which
- everybody seems to miss. The minority population of Connecticut
- is about 15%, roughly the same as in the U.S. How the hell does
- 15% of the population create a $1 billion deficit? A budget is
- us; it's not "them."
- </p>
- <p> Q. Nevertheless, lawmakers in New Jersey, Michigan and
- California are in the process of restricting welfare payments,
- and have introduced new eligibility restrictions. Connecticut
- is on the verge of cutting adult general-assistance payments.
- It is a politically popular notion these days.
- </p>
- <p> A. Everybody says it's this welfare business that got us
- into this mess, defining welfare as the problem of blacks and
- Hispanics. The second biggest item in the Connecticut budget,
- around $700 million, is nursing-home care as required by
- Medicaid. When people talk welfare, what they don't understand
- is you're talking Medicaid. My state health commissioner says
- 80,000 children here are identified as having lead poisoning.
- This year's budget includes an additional $500,000 in funds for
- lead-poisoning detection, prevention and treatment. Is that
- welfare, or is it 80,000 sick kids who are going to get sicker
- and cost our society for the rest of their lives because of
- mental incapacities?
- </p>
- <p> Q. Do you think there's anyone running for President who
- can shake the country out of its domestic doldrums?
- </p>
- <p> A. Nope.
- </p>
- <p> Q. How would you rate President Bush's leadership?
- </p>
- <p> A. A great success as far as foreign policy is concerned.
- And a total disaster for the rest. We don't gain our strength
- from what we achieve worldwide; we get it from the way we build
- ourselves up as to the best educated, best housed, best in terms
- of health care. That's the strength of the nation. And then if
- called upon to confront a crisis, we're in a position to do so.
- Right now we've got a big name and a big reputation on what
- we've done in the outside world. But too many people have been
- left in the gutter, and the U.S. can't survive that way.
- </p>
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- </article>
- </text>